Encarna Ruiz Molina was born in Granada in 1971 and a PhD in Journalism by the UAB and a master in Digital Art Curator (ESDI-URL), Bachelor of Journalism (UAB) and in Sociology and Political Science (University of Granada).
He is currently responsible for the Knowledge Transfer Unit of the School of Design ESDi and leads the ESDiColor_Lab, Laboratory of Trends Color. She is also the Spanish representant in Intercolor member of International Association of Color. Her teaching subjects are Sociology of Design, Communication Channels, Communication Theory and Project Management at ESDi. She is also teaching in the Master of Styling and Fashion Management in ESDi and the Master of Fashion Journalism in the Faculty of Communication Blanquerna (URL).
She is the author of the book La moda a la Xarxa: Anàlisi semiòtica dels blogs de moda and Dissenyadors a la Cruïlla. She has published articles in specialized journals in Semiòtics and participated in several International Conferences.
In 2014 she obtained the Extraordinary Prize of Doctorate in Communication Sciences at UAB for her thesis Els blocs de moda: del periodisme al màrqueting. Anàlisi de les interaccions entre els egoblogs, els blocs periodístics i Les Indústries del sector“