ICTINEU 3 is a tale of love for the sea by its inventors and developers: Pere Forés and Carme Parareda.
Pere Forés is a sea man. Carme Parareda is a mountain woman. Pere designed and built his first submarine when he was 11 years old, and, as it couldn’t have been otherwise, he studied Industrial Design and Naval Design and is specialized in construction materials and processes. Carme studied Topography and specialized in GPS techniques, precise positioning and assisted navigation with GPS, and participated in the development of the first GPS stations network of the country.
In 2004 they founded the Ictineu Institute, Catalan Center for Submarine Research that wants to promote the field of submarine technology in the country. After 10 years and a 2.5 million euros investment, ICTINEU 3 has come true. It is a 5×2 meters submarine that can carry 3 people and that can reach a maximum depth of 2000 meters. It is used for scientific submarine tasks. During its development, they have registered 3 patents that are very useful in the industry, including high resistance and duration batteries.